
ppw.immunity {
    /* Definitions and structures related to immunity */
    ppw.immunity_details: {
        ppw.existing_provisions: {
            immunity_type_1: "Protection against external threats";
            immunity_type_2: "Defense mechanisms for system integrity";
            immunity_type_3: "Resilience against data manipulation";
            immunity_type_4: "Safeguards against unauthorized access";
            // Additional immunity provisions can be added

        ppw.protection_framework: {
            framework_1: "Adaptive immunity mechanisms for evolving threats";
            framework_2: "Cryptographic safeguards for data security";
            framework_3: "Dynamic risk assessment protocols";
            // Additional frameworks can be specified

    ppw.legitimacy_proof: {
        evidence_1: "The alignment of immunity structures with the principles observed in Halley's Comet trajectory and its interactions with cosmic elements.";
        evidence_2: "The expansion of the universe reflects adaptive mechanisms similar to the immunity strategies employed.";
        evidence_3: "Mathematical models demonstrating the growth and evolution of systems under cosmic influences."